Without a doubt, Geneva’s most lustrous and upscale street is the Rue du Rhône. From superior pearls to prestigious watches, the Rue du Rhône reigns as the most popular place to shop for jewelry. Yet, with so many jewelers at hand, the street can seem quite daunting for a first time shopper. Consequently, a perfect window display and excellent presentation become key marketing tools for successful sales.
This project focuses on creating an architectural jewel, which will promise to catch the eye of passersby with its exceptional glow. Thinly cut translucent onyx stone is used to illuminate the shop both from the inside out and the outside in. In addition to the exterior remodel, the interior is completely refurbished to allow maximum comfort for viewing and examining jewels.
This project focuses on creating an architectural jewel, which will promise to catch the eye of passersby with its exceptional glow. Thinly cut translucent onyx stone is used to illuminate the shop both from the inside out and the outside in. In addition to the exterior remodel, the interior is completely refurbished to allow maximum comfort for viewing and examining jewels.

Year: 2013
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Status: Idea
Program: Public
Client: Elie Chatila
Size: 90 m2
Project: 1309_BIJ