
HertelTan Architectes EPF SIA

We aim to work on every scale, from vast territorial planning, to intimate and immersive spatial conditions. We seek to unravel the unique essence of each project and work to reach an architecture that is adaptable and reflective of physical, socio-cultural, economical, and ecological context.

Our services include
Project development
Project management
Construction cost estimate
Construction permits
Construction expertise
Financial planning
Assistant to the contracting authority

Picture gallery 

Alexander Hertel Christopher Tan HertelTan Architecte Geneva  Alexander Hertel Christopher Tan HertelTan Architecte GenevaAlexander Hertel Christopher Tan HertelTan Architecte Geneva

Alexander Hertel
Arch. Dipl. EPF SIA

2022 - Board Member - SIA Geneva
2022 - Expert examiner for draftsman in architecture for the canton of Geneva
2019 - Board Member - Berufsgruppe Architektur BGA
2018/23 - Board Member - Groupe professionnel des architectes GPA
2015 - Certified professional representative Geneva (MPQ)
2013 - Founding partner of HertelTan Architectes EPF SIA
2012/13 - Project Architecte EPFL
Christopher Tan
Arch. Dipl. EPF SIA

2021 - Member REG A 
2018 - Board Member - Fondation Pavillion Sicli (Maison de l’Architecture Genève)
2015 - Certified professional representative Geneva (MPQ)
2013 - Founding partner of HertelTan Architectes EPF SIA
2012/13 - Project Architecte EPFL

HertelTan Architectes EPF SIA
Rue des Maraîchers 8
1205 Geneva
+ 41 (0)22 310 15 73

All job enquiries are to be sent to:

Alicia Boy Apprentie dessinatrice CFPC
Francisco De Inza Architecte
Thomas Dreux Architecte HEAD 
Alexander Hertel Architecte EPFL SIA
Valentine Jaques Architecte EPFL
Maria Simoes Rosa Dessinatrice en Bâtiment 
Christopher Tan Architecte EPFL SIA
Caroline Tobler Architecte HES-MA
Basile Vadas Apprenti dessinateur CFPC
Lucas Wenger Architecte EPFL
Alexander Angeline
Jonathan Bey
Paul Brechignac
Théo Dattola
Nada Farahat
Yann Froidevaux
Axel Harari (Partner 2013-2016)
Alicia Hoyos-Limon Encinas
Rebecca Jordan
Gaelle Letort
Margot Loof
Molly Perrillat-Monet
Eric Nardini
Charlotte Nierle
Laura Sautter
William Schindler
Salla Sivunen
Mathias Sylvestre
Patricio Sturgion
Nicolas Uebersax
Julie Van De Velde
Loris Vendrami 

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